Integrative Positive Therapy Blog
Welcome and congratulations taking your first step towards self growth!
Psychotherapy is an approach to healing and easing life’s problems by increasing resilience and personal resources. My name is Nyree Tchalikian, and my approach is to create a healthy alliance between mind and body and to help patients manage stress to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Therapy is a path of self-exploration that yields many benefits. It helps identify the causes of current concerns, helps to identify factors that perpetuate problems, and also help patients become aware of fears that limit their psychological freedom. As patients come to understand what triggers their pain, anxiety, or moodiness, the old patterns lose their hold. At Integrative Positive Therapy patients set goals and practice new, healthy behaviors, enabling changes to occur as they feel the courage and support in order to move beyond prior limitations of thought and attitude.
In this culture we often believe we should “do it on our own,” and if that fails, then “just give me the pill to fix it.” Seeking therapy is a positive step towards a more sustained sense of well-being. As a therapist, I encourage patients to bring with them the intention of reaching their goals to live a happier, less stressful, and more fulfilling life. I will steer patients towards the work that will enable them to achieve their goals.
We know that our minds can quickly jump to “worst-case scenarios”, worry and self defeating behaviors. We can feel overwhelmed, lose direction, and lose our center. These patterns of negative thought contribute to illness, stuck relationships, and loss of self- esteem. In working together I will help strengthen your mental and emotional health, help increase your strengths, and assist in helping you gain coping skills for a positive future.
Thank you for choosing me and I look forward to working with you!
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
If you would like to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation or set up an individual or couples therapy appointment, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact our office through the below form.
(201) 694-9657
467 Springfield Avenue, Suites 201-202, Summit, NJ 07901